Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm Back!

I'm back!

I'm not only back to the world of blogging--meaning I now have a computer again--but I am also back from the annual conference of the Gay Christian Network (GCN) which was held in Anaheim, California last week.

During the week, I had the distinct blessing to meet with several other bloggers for dinner. We discussed several topics relevent to blogging, but mostly just initiated and nurtured friendships.
It was a great event, and I encourage you to look in to attending a future event with this organization.

Just an aside...on the last post, I wrote about the idea of holiness versus purity. Well, it's interesting, because I was reading some news wires a few weeks ago and read an article that indicated that the "purity" movement had done nothing to stem the tide of pre-marital sex but instead seemed to correspond to an increase in the spread of STDs.

I hope to be blogging now a little more regularly. Thanks to those of you who have stayed with me during this "off" time.

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