Saturday, January 12, 2008

Thinking Outside of the Box: No Turning Back!

In business, thinking "outside the box" is a prized skill. But in the Body of Christ, thinking outside the box is dangerous.

Why is this the case?

There are two primary emotional derivatives in the world: love and fear. The Scriptures say that perfect (or complete) love casts out fear. And Christ told us that if we are not for Him, we are against Him.

As Christians, we can justify our bigotry and hatred in any manner we wish. We can use Scripture and we can use church doctrines. But the truth is that if we do not love we are not Christ's disciples.

That is difficult for us to understand. But there is a distinction between being a child of God and a follower of God. To be Christ-like, we must love. It is our imperative. We cannot say we love God and despise our neighbor.

So, thinking outside of the box as a disciple of Christ dictates that I question what I have been taught and I love the ones that the church has despised and rejected.

I am gay. I am a child of God. And I pray that I have the strength to be a disciple of Christ. I learned the simple chorus as a child and have sung it for years and years. But it means so much more when it is put into practice. God help me. God help us all.

Though none go with me, still I will follow!
No turning back. No turning back!

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