Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's and More Sex Talk

Happy Valentine's Day!
Hope you all had a good Valentine's day. Although, among most of my single friends, this day is despised. I have mixed feelings. I'm doing the LDR (long distance relationship) thing, so it's really hard to be separate on a day like Valentine's. But I am thankful for the relationship that God's entrusted to me for this time in my life.

When I got home from work yesterday, there was a bright red FTD box. My sweetie sent me flowers. I know, it's romantic and a bit sappy, but I love them. I really like when we were together recently, I mentioned that. And my sweatheart paid attention. So here is a pic of my orchids. It's not terribly clear, cuz it was taken with my phone.

More About Sex
Well, you guys have been bugging me (those of you who know the face behind the wizard's curtain) for more on the sex post I did a little bit ago.

I've been lax in getting this posted, because I have limited access to a computer and that's where I do my posting and most of my research. I still want to look into this subject at length, but I want to post some things I've been thinking about just to stimulate your own thought process.

I'd written a beautiful post several days ago, and just as I was going to upload it, the computer glitched and I lost it...darn! And it was really brilliant too.

SIGH - So you'll have to do with this second post...which, I'm sure will not be nearly as brilliant!

In Bible college I had a professor who was one of the best instructors that I've ever had. Have you ever been in a situation when God brings someone into your life for a finite amount of time to teach you something. Dr. "Jones" was one of those people.

In my degree, we were discussing a potentially controversial topic, and he did something that I will never forget. It was one of those life-changing experiences and the best lecture I've ever sat in.

For two class periods, he read every scripture in the Bible that pertained to this issue. He made no commentary, but asked us to then take these verses and formulate our own thoughts on the subject.

It is in this same vein that I am going to post some thoughts today...just to ask you to start thinking for yourself. I am going to quote some sources that you may (or may not) agree with. Either way, I ask you to open your mind and heart and seek God's face on this topic.

Unlike my professor, I will actually share my commentary along the way. We probably won't agree, but I pray that each of us will draw closer to the Savior for having asked questions and knocked at His door.

Some Thoughts
When we discuss the sex before marriage issue, it's primarily to argue morality. But I've come across something that challenged my view. You see, I grew up like some of you--in a conservative, evangelistic, Christian home. We were weaned in the church. And for me, sex was always a moral issue. And the emphasis was usually negative.

I came across a link recently on the Soulforce website. It's an essay called Homosexuality and the Bible by Walter Wink. The essay is extensive and handles a variety of issues.

When I came across the following quote, my response was "HUH?!?"

The crux of the matter, it seems to me, is simply that the Bible has no sexual ethic. There is no Biblical sex ethic.

After reading it a couple of more times, I continued reading. I won't quote more of the essay here, because I want to encourage you to click through and read what he has to say. I had not thought of this perspective before.

I always assumed that of course the Bible had a sexual ethic. But as I've wrestled with this issue, I've come up against some tough questions. How do we balance holiness and sexuality? Is sex morally right or wrong? Is morality or immorality defined by the situation (i.e. marriage or commitment)? Yikes! The implications of answering that question too deeply is a bit scary! What about experience? How do cultural norms and shifts in society play into this topic?

It's easy to just say "society's going to hell and it's all evil till Jesus comes". But to truly ask the tough questions and live "in" the world but not be "of" the world, requires that we set aside these pat answers and cliches.

What do you think? What has been your experience? Share with me by commenting or e-mailing me. I'd like to share some of your thoughts here on this blog as I journey this path. I'll try to answer some of these questions for myself, and will share my answers with you as I uncover them.

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