Sunday, February 03, 2008

Relationship: Looking for Acceptance

How do others gain the power to control us? Why do we surrender our self-determination and allow ourselves to be manipulated? The short answer is this: we are seeking the acceptance of others.

Just as controlling our relationships is an elusive endeavor, gaining the acceptance of others is futile; and the reason for this is simple. You and I are the storytellers of our lives. Our reality is made up of the pictures that we create for ourselves and the stories that we tell about those pictures. This is clearly evident in the realm of relationship.

Each person to whom I relate creates an image of me and constructs stories about my abilities, my gifts and my achievements. I can never please anyone else, because I will never match their image.

In the same way, we imagine ourselves and dream stories about who we are and what we can or cannot accomplish. Only you can be the story teller of your life. You are the only one who can express yourself, because you see the picture on the inside and you know the story.

Allowing anyone else to tell your story is an abdication of your personal responsibility. Telling your own story will always be more powerful than trying to fulfill someone's image of you.

So be courageous about telling your story! Remember that you alone can be the storyteller of your life. Each story is unique and each story must be heard. It's not just for you, but for those who are waiting to hear, to see and to be inspired by your life's story.

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